Targets frown lines.

For someone who has moderate to severe frown lines that wants them reduced for a more youthful appearance. Dysport is the treatment that is effective around the brow area in five different points.

By targeting the frown lines that show up around the brow area, Dysport as an injectable is able to block the nerve that travels from there to the deeper muscles. When injected it causes temporary contraction of the muscles that cause the frown line. You are still able to move your face normally, but the lines around the brows are significantly reduced in appearance. The results will last for up to four months, and only takes 10 to 20 minutes in a doctor’s office to perform the procedure.


  • Targeted Treatment of Frown Lines
  • Gives a More Youthful Appearance
  • Is Quick and Easy
  • Last For Up To Four Months

Before & After



